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Pastor's Column

Lent is Knocking on the Door

Pastor’s Column

1st Sunday of Lent

February 26, 2023

Nheyob, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Lent is not meant to be a burden for us, but an opportunity. This Lent, may we come before the Lord asking, “What is it that you wish from me, Lord?” He sees around corners, which we do not. He knows what we need before we ask. Is there an issue or sin that is separating me from Christ? Is there an addiction or obsession that the Lord wishes me to struggle with and overcome this Lent?

There is a famous painting of the Lord knocking on a closed door. The door has no handle on the outside. Instead, the door must be opened by the person on the inside. With so much to do, so many distractions: emails, videos, work, shopping, to-do lists, with Lent here, who needs something more? Yet through all the busyness of our lives, the Holy Spirit is waiting to offer us a tremendous gift, if only we hear the Lord knocking and open the door for him.

How is my prayer life? If I am in a relationship or friendship with someone and we seldom talk, our friendship is going to be in for hard times. In the same way, if I am not in communion, that is, communicating with the Lord daily, we will be growing more distant. Daily Mass is a good way to grow in friendship with Christ. Do I read the scriptures regularly?

Is something out of balance in my life? Lent is an opportunity to make a fresh start against an addiction I have been avoiding or a sin that the Lord and I will work on together. The best way to begin is with a good confession; many opportunities are available during Lent to heal these sins sacramentally. Is there someone I need to forgive? Do I spend too much time immersed in video and on my computer or cell phone and too little with the Lord and my family?

Does my spiritual garden need fertilizing? Early spring is the time when we begin adding fertilizer to our gardens to encourage new growth. In order for my soul to grow, I have to fertilize regularly. In practice this means things like attending weekly and daily Mass when I can, finding a good spiritual book or website or blog to keep up on or making time for some of the offerings we have right here at Saint Ed's: with bible studies and classes or groups learning what the Church really teaches. If I get all my spiritual information solely from the media, my soul will be malnourished.

What do I give to others? God has a mission for me in life! It almost always involves the people around me, those who I encounter every day in my family and acquaintances. Do I tithe? How do I show my concern for others? Lent is one of the biggest opportunities we will ever have if only it is possible to hear Christ knocking at the door.

Father Gary


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