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Pastor's Column

“I Am with You Always!”

Pastor’s Column

Ascension 2023

Christ ascends to heaven before his disciples. Etching by M. Wellcome

“And know that I am with you always, even to the end of the world!

Matthew 28:20

When Jesus ascended into heaven, where did he go? The disciples must have been somewhat sad to hear that Jesus was leaving them. He went so far as to say, “It is better for you that I go, or the Holy Spirit will not come down to you”. How could it possibly be better that Jesus leave them?

Where did Jesus go? He didn’t just go into outer space! As a matter of fact, he didn’t really go anywhere, for he promised us that he would be with us until the end of time – always. This is one of the big secrets of our religion: Jesus is still with us.

One way Jesus is with us always is in the Blessed Sacrament. When we come to the adoration chapel for example, Jesus waits for us to come and pay him a visit. He dwells day and night in the Tabernacle of every Catholic Church in a sacramental way. He is really and truly present – body, blood, soul, and divinity. And he is with us – always.

Sometimes it seems as if Jesus is not really “present” as we go about our daily lives. Of course, we believe that in some way Jesus is aware of our every movement, thought and prayer, but what about those times when we “forget” Jesus or “don’t feel” his presence?

Jesus is with us always, in fact, and in faith. While some saints have had the gift of sensing the Lord’s presence everywhere, most of us are frequently distracted with the cares and worries of life. Yet Jesus is always with us, whether we feel it, remember it, or not. Every time we think of Jesus, then, as we go about our day, let us try to remember to say a few words to him. These short prayers can lead us to great holiness over time, and Jesus, who is always with us, will always be our constant companion and friend.

Father Gary



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